Such a Time as This

Sometimes I worry about my kids growing up in this crazy world. You look around at all the division, strife, brokenness, and corruption…and as a parent, it’s hard not to worry. But God knew exactly what the world would be […]

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I have to admit: I‘m bad at decision-making. Should I buy these fancy hair clips (in my defense, they were pretty expensive for my 14-year-old self), take out this phone contract, marry my now husband? I was afraid of making […]

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Celebrating Miss MJ

[ English version below 🇬🇧] Vor einem Jahr hat dieses kleine Mädchen unser Leben verändert. Ihr fröhliches, liebliches Wesen erobert jedes Herz. Sie ist der größte Segen! Danke, Jesus! Wir lieben dich unbeschreiblich, Malea Joy! P.S.: Vielen Dank an Lyl […]

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God Knew Better Than I Did

[ English version below 🇬🇧 ] Mama sein, ich? Ich zweifelte an meinen Fähigkeiten, meiner Kraft und meinem Körper. Aber Gott… Er wusste, wie sehr ich dieses kleine Mädchen brauchte. Ich bin sooo dankbar, dass ich Malea Joys Mama sein […]

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He Will Provide

Becoming a mom has been one of the most beautiful but at the same time most challenging experiences in my life. Malea makes me unspeakably happy. It’s such an honor and privilege I get to raise her. But…it comes with […]

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