
I have to admit: I‘m bad at decision-making. Should I buy these fancy hair clips (in my defense, they were pretty expensive for my 14-year-old self), take out this phone contract, marry my now husband? I was afraid of making mistakes. I was afraid of being unwise and regretting my decisions. And I was struggling with OCD, but that’s another story…

Becoming a mom is a whole new level for decision-making. You’re not only responsible for yourself anymore, but you have to make decisions that will impact a little human’s life. What shall I feed my girl when there are thousands of voices on what is considered healthy nutrition? What am I supposed to do with medical questions when there are so many pros and cons (and people with strong opinions behind them)?


Yes, I do have responsibility and I do my research, but most importantly: I pray for wisdom and guidance. Because God is sovereign. I’m not. God is almighty. I’m not. God is in control. Guess what? I’m not. Motherhood (amongst several other things) reminds me of how needy I am. In need of my heavenly father. And He deeply cares for my family and me – and for YOU. Let‘s cast all our burdens unto Him!

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

— James 1:5

Mirjana Joy

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