True Friendship
You and I share at least one important thing: we were created in the image of God. This commonality gives us a deep need for close and intimate relationships. First and foremost, we long for God, but we also need each other.
In his book True Friendships, Vaughan Roberts writes:
„We should take every opportunity to encourage any of our fellow travellers in the Christian journey, but there will need to be some with whom we establish an especially close bond. Such friendships are important, not first and foremost as a means to emotional fulfilment, but as a matter of wisdom. We need good friends if we are to avoid making a mess of our lives and instead run with perseverance the race marked out for us‘ (Hebrews 12:1). That is true of all of us, whoever we are: male or female, married or single, extroverts or introverts.“
Building a deep friendship is not always easy. Opening up to someone and allowing them to see the darker corners of our lives can be challenging, but it is also healing.
Where we let light in, darkness must retreat. We need the encouragement and wise counsel of other Christians who continually point us to the gospel. Likewise, it is our calling to share encouragement and hope in Jesus with others ♡
Mirjana Joy