JESUS – the Bread of Life

Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life.’ (John 6:35)

Jesus is the bread of life. Many of us have likely come across this phrase in the Gospel of John, but what does it really mean for our lives?

How often have I written prayer lists, laying out all my desires and hopes before God? I knew that only He could fulfill my deepest dreams, offer healing, wipe away my tears, and provide true protection. That’s why I prayed.

This might sound spiritual; after all, doesn’t it show my trust in God and my recognition of my dependence on Him? Perhaps it does. Yet, I can’t help but wonder if there’s something deeper beneath the surface.

I’m not saying that making prayer lists is wrong—quite the contrary! The Bible clearly invites us to bring our concerns to God and pour out our hearts to Him (Psalm 62:8). However, it’s essential to reflect on why we pray and to examine our understanding of God.

Does our prayer time reveal our love for God, or does it hint at a greater love for ourselves? Are we truly yearning for communion with Him, or are we more focused on the blessings He can bestow?

A sermon by American theologian John Piper resonated deeply with me. His words, particularly the following, were convicting:

Jesus didn’t come to give you bread; He came to be your bread. He is the gift, not just the giver. Rejoice in Him. Follow Him for who He is, not for what He gives you.

God genuinely desires to bless us, and it’s good to pray for our needs and rejoice in His gifts. Yet, our joy should be rooted not in these blessings, but in the One who provides them. Jesus Himself is the greatest gift.

Do you find yourself longing for Him?

Mirjana Joy