Just Do It

…probably one of the most famous commercial slogans. There are seasons when this is the best advice you can get. Go for it. Stop making pros and cons lists. You‘ve already prayed about it, and God gave you all the green lights you need. So just do it!

But…I think oftentimes we tend to “just do it” by keeping ourselves busy, work, work, work without pausing, breathing, and thinking.

As a new mom I know: the struggle is real. There’s always something to do. But when I took a walk at the beach this week, I talked to God and realized how many thoughts and questions had accumulated in my heart. I wrote them down and man, it’s a long list! I knew they were somewhere inside of me, but I didn’t pause, didn’t pray about them. Not enough, at least. How freeing to finally lay it all down at the feet of Jesus!

Here’s a challenge for you: Take a few minutes today, pause, breathe, and talk to your heavenly father. Heart-to-heart-talk. Tell Him what’s on your mind. What moves your heart? What questions do you have? Share your dreams and fears with Him (if you’re anything like me and writing helps you sort out your thoughts – write them in your journal). Just do IT.

Mirjana Joy

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