I’m Not Ashamed…

Wife, mom, and editor—three important aspects of my life. But I’m not ashamed to admit that being a mom, with all the tantrums, dirty diapers, and piles of laundry, fulfills me far more than my job ever could.

We live in a society that often measures success and identity by our careers. For a long time, I struggled to understand why my friends were so enthusiastic about babies and children. But once I became a mom myself, everything changed.

Ladies, we have bought into a misconception. When you have the privilege of being “just” a housewife, people often look at you with pity, saying things like, “JUST a housewife? I could never do that! How boring! You’re wasting your potential!”

Wasting potential? Moms, we are investing in the next generation! How can it possibly be wasted potential when you pour all your love, knowledge, and talents into the little ones who will soon shape this country and make important decisions?

Healthy families and strong parent-child relationships are the pillars that society needs, particularly in Germany, yet we live in a time when these foundations are being undermined.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that women shouldn’t work. Many of us, myself included, need to earn money for financial reasons. What I am saying is that we need to set our priorities straight. Let’s stop defining ourselves solely by our careers and stop viewing moms and housewives as inferior.

God has entrusted your children to you for a reason. He chose you. You have a responsibility—a sacred calling that we should honor and celebrate!

Mirjana Joy

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