Pause & Enjoy
I just wanted to THANK YOU for being here, for reading my posts, listening/watching my podcast…it means more than you know! May the Lord bless you this Christmas season♡
Lots of love,
Mirjana Joy
P.S.: If you still have an empty spot on your prayer list, feel free to think about the project I’m working on (I mentioned it in the story the other day) 🙂 As soon as it becomes serious, I’ll share it with you! Humanly speaking, my idea might be a bit too „big“, but with God nothing is impossible, right? I’m so excited to see if and what He has in store…
P.P.S.: The following reel is in German, but I’d like to share this gentle reminder with you, too: Pause and enjoy the Christmas season! It’s about SO MUCH more than a clean house, a full fridge, and wrapping presents. It’s about the most beautiful love story. It’s about Jesus.